Oxygen withdrawal from myocardial cells leads to changes of the transmembrane action potential (mainly action potential shortening), to cellular uncoupling, and to changes of vascular permeability. This study was aimed at the simultaneous measurement of electrical activity and passive electrical properties (extracellular and intracellular longitudinal resistance) in arterially perfused rabbit papillary muscles under different conditions of changed oxygen supply. These included 1) complete anoxia (erythrocyte-free perfusate), 2) hypoxia (Po 2 between 23-28 mm Hg, erythrocytes present) in the presence and absence of glucose, and 3) normoxia with erythrocyte-free perfusate. Similarly to myocardial ischemia, rapid cellular uncoupling occurred only after an initial stable period of approximately 17 minutes, and it required complete anoxia. The marked shortening of the action potential developed before cellular uncoupling. In six out of eight experiments, the fibers were inexcitable when uncoupling started. In severe hypoxia, no significant change of internal longitudinal resistance was observed over 35-40 minutes. The time course of the extracellular longitudinal resistance was different from the change in intracellular resistance: A marked decrease occurred almost immediately after the onset of oxygen withdrawal. This decrease was followed by a small increase in conduction velocity, which was most likely due to a change in the interstitial compartment (edema). It was observed during anoxic as well as during hypoxic perfusion. We conclude that 1) cellular uncoupling in arterially perfused tissue requires almost complete oxygen lack and occurs with a delay of more than 10 minutes, 2) marked action potential shortening precedes uncoupling, and therefore can not simply be attributed to an increase in free, intracellular calcium, and 3) vascular endothelial function is more sensitive to oxygen withdrawal than the myocyte. (Circulation Research 1989;64:532-541) R emoval of the oxygen supply from ventricular myocardium leads to rapid changes of electrical activity 1 and to the early development of malignant ventricular arrhythmias.2 Two experimental models are widely used for investigation of metabolic and electrical changes associated with inadequate myocardial oxygen supply. These include the production of 1) myocardial anoxia or hypoxia by decreasing the oxygen content of the coronary perfusate, or 2) myocardial ischemia by the arrest of coronary flow. The essential difference between these two conditions is the complete absence of extracellular washout in the case of myocardial ischemia. This causes products of ischFrom the Department of Physiology, University of Berne, Beme, Switzerland.Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 3.903.0-85 to A.G.K.) and the Swiss Foundation of Cardiology.Address for correspondence: Andrt G. Kteber, MD, Department of Physiology, University of Beme, Bflhlplatz 5, CH-3012, Berne, Switzerland.Received March 31, 1988; accepted August 18, 1988. emic metabolism (e.g., lact...