hiko Kajiya. Pattern differences between distributions of microregional myocardial flows in crystalloid-and blood-perfused rat hearts. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 286: H1331-H1338, 2004. First published December 11, 2003 10.1152/ajpheart.00120.2003.-Regional myocardial flow distributions in Langendorff rat hearts under Tyrode and blood perfusion were assessed by tracer digital radiography (100-m resolution). Flow distributions during baseline and maximal hyperemia following a 60-s flow cessation were evaluated by the coefficient of variation of regional flows (CV; related to global flow heterogeneity) and the correlation between adjacent regional flows (CA; inversely related to local flow randomness). These values were obtained for the original images (64 2 pixels) and for coarsegrained images (32 2 , 16 2 , and 8 2 blocks of nearby pixels). At a given point in time during baseline, both CV and CA were higher in blood (n ϭ 7) than in Tyrode perfusion (n ϭ 7) over all pixel aggregates (P Ͻ 0.05, two-way ANOVA). During the maximal hyperemia, CV and CA were still significantly higher in blood (n ϭ 7) than in Tyrode perfusion (n ϭ 7); however, these values decreased substantially in blood perfusion and the CV and CA differences became smaller than those at baseline accordingly. During basal blood perfusion, the 60-s average flow distribution (n ϭ 7) showed a smaller CV and CA than those at a given point in time (P Ͻ 0.05, two-way ANOVA). Coronary flow reserve was significantly higher in blood than in Tyrode perfusion. In conclusion, the flow heterogeneity and the local flow similarity are both higher in blood than in Tyrode perfusion, probably due to the different degree of coronary tone preservation and the presence or absence of blood corpuscles. Under blood perfusion, temporal flow fluctuations over 60-s order are largely involved in shaping microregional flow distributions. regional myocardial perfusion; O2 carrying capacity; blood corpuscles; coronary tone; tracer digital radiography THE ISOLATED HEART MODEL USING crystalloid perfusates has been extensively used for characterizing myocardial contractility and energetics and the distribution of regional myocardial flows as well (5, 18, 49). However, most of the knowledge on regional crystalloid flows could not be extrapolated to explain the mechanisms of local regulation and coordination of regional myocardial flows under blood perfusion. Low O 2 carrying capacity of crystalloid perfusates makes an intracellular O 2 tension inadequate or just above the threshold for impaired myocardial function (6, 38) and reduces coronary tone or reserve (12,28,34). The distribution of regional myocardial flow is greatly under the influence of coronary tone (2, 5), and therefore there will be differences between spatial flow patterns in crystalloid-and blood-perfused myocardium. Furthermore, the presence or absence of blood corpuscles will augment those differences, because rheological, stochastic, and functional behaviors of corpuscles alter regional flows greatly at micr...