Dielectric studies have been carried out at microwave frequencies on dilute solutions of aniline, pchloro-, p-bromo-, and m-chloro-anilines, and o-, 171-, and p-toluidines at 25 'C in cyclohexane and pxylene. The static dielectric constant has also been nleasured at 2 MHz. In addition o-and m-toluidines have beenrneasured at 50 ' C andp-toluidine at 15,35, and 50 ^C.The dielectric results, particularly those at 70.01 GHz, establish that there is more than one relaxation process present and the data have been analyzed on a two relaxation time model, the longer of \\hich T , , is identified as molecular relaxation. The cause of the lower electric dipole moments found from this method as opposed to the non-dielectric absorption methods is discussed. It follows that there is either an additional higher frequency dispersion or (and) a high atomic polarization for aniline and o-, rn-, and p-toluidines. Work at still higher frequencies is required to study this further and to establish more precise values of 72.Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 47, 681 (1969) When two polar solutes of similar size and shape are independently examined in a particular non-polar solvent and the solute is present at low concentration, then, providing there is no appreciable molecular interaction and the solute molecules undergo no intramolecular motion (such as group re-orientation), similar observed relaxation times are to be expected. The observed relaxation time would then be the molecular relaxation time. Such considerations were embodied i11 the work of Fischer (1) and used to identify the lack of rigidity in certain molecules. In general, when the observed relaxation time is shorter than that anticipated, it suggests a contribution from an additional relaxation process(es). This appears the case for aniline in benzene (2) at 20 "C since the observed relaxation time is 4.3 x 10-" s which is to be compared with a molecular relaxation time of 7.5 x 10-l2 s for chlorobenzene in cyclohexane (3) at 25 "C.This present work aimed to examine whether such a shortening of the relaxation time of primary aromatic amines in non-polar solvents was a general phenomenon. Further, it seemed likely that measurements at 70.01 GHz would help to establish any contribution from a short relaxation time more precisely. It was considered worthwhile to carry out measurements in the two solvents in order to assess whether the dipole moments and relaxation times were highly dependent on specific solvent effects.
ExperimentalThe apparatus and procedure for determining the dielectric constant and loss have been described previously (4).
MaterialsThe .liquid anlines were all distilled fro111 a spinning band column of 35 theoretical plates and then dried. The observed boiling points were compared uith literat~~re values, and the compounds were s l i o~n to have no detectable amounts of impurities by infrared and gas chroniatographic techniques.The solids were recrystallized from appropriate solvents and dried until their melting points agreed \\ith those in the lite...