We conduct spectral line survey observations in the 3 mm band toward a spiral arm, a bar-end, and a nuclear region of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 3627 with the IRAM 30 m telescope and the Nobeyama 45 m telescope. Additional observations are performed toward the spiral arm and the bar-end in the 2 mm band. We detect 8, 11, and 9 molecular species in the spiral arm, the bar-end, and the nuclear region, respectively. Star-formation activities are different among the three regions, and in particular, the nucleus of NGC 3627 is known as a LINER/Seyfert 2 type nucleus. In spite of these physical differences, the chemical composition shows impressive similarities among the three regions. This result means that the characteristic chemical composition associated with 2. Observations
IRAM 30 m TelescopeObservations toward SA and BE in NG 3627 were performed with the IRAM 30 m telescope at Pico Veleta in July, 2014 and December, 2014. The observed positions are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. The beam sizes are 30-20 ′′ and 19-17 ′′ at the 3 mm and 2 mm band, respectively, which correspond to linear scales of 1.2-0.9 kpc and 0.8-0.7 kpc at the distance of 11.1 Mpc, respectively. The observed frequency range is from 85.0 to 116.0 GHz and from 140.0 to 148.0 GHz for SA, while it is from 85.0 to 100.5 GHz, from 108.4 to 116.0 GHz, and from 140.0 to 148.0 GHz for BE. The frequency range from 100.5 to 108.4 GHz does not involve strong spectral lines according to previous spectral line surveys toward the spiral arm of M51 (Watanabe et al. 2014). Therefore, we put a lower priority on this frequency range, and did not observe it for BE because of the limited observation time. Two EMIR (Eight MIxer Receivers) bands, E090 and E150, were used simultaneously with the dual polarization mode. The EMIR is the sideband separating receiver, which outputs the USB and LSB signals separately. The image rejection ratio is confirmed to be better than 13 dB and 10 dB for E090 and E150, respectively, according to the status report of the 30 m telescope 1 . The system noise temperature ranged from 75 to 310 K for E090 and from 100 to 210 K for E150. Detailed frequency settings and system noise temperatures are summarized in Table 3. Backends were eight FTS (Fourier Transform Spectrometers) autocorrelators whose bandwidth and channel width are 4050 MHz and 195 kHz, respectively. The telescope pointing was checked every hour by observing the continuum source 1055+018 near the target position, and was found to be better than ±5 ′′ . The wobbler switching mode was employed with beam throw of ±120 ′′ and switching frequency of 0.5 Hz. The wobbler throw is toward the azimuth direction, and hence, the absolute off-position depends on the hour angle. Nevertheless, the off-position was always out of the CO disk of NGC 3627. The intensity scale was calibrated to the antenna temperature (T * A ) scale by using cold and hot loads. T * A was converted to the main beam temperature T mb by multiplying F eff /B eff . Here, F eff is the forward efficiency, w...