Neptunium I Solubility / Hydrolysis /Migration /Quartz /Liquid chromatography
SummaryTo examine the chemical forms of neptunium (V) in aqueous solutions, the solubility was measured by an ultrafiltration method. The existence of three species of NpOj, NpOjOH and NpOj (OH) 2 were expected from the resulting pH-dependent solubility curve. Their hydrolytic data were obtained as follows; log0, =5.7, log0 3 = 8.6 and log K sp = -10.7 at ionic strength of 0.01 M.A high performance liquid chromatography was applied to study the migration behaviour of neptunium (V) in a quartzpacked column. The presence of two components of neptunium (V) which were different from each other in the migration velocity was demonstrated successfully. The one component was the unretarded component moving with the eluent, and the other the retarded component. The distribution coefficient of the retarded component decreased with the increasing ionic strength of the eluent and increased with the increasing pH. Mechanisms of the migration behaviour are discussed for each component.