A suite of complex electroencephalographic patterns of sleep occurs in mammals. In sleeping zebra finches, we observed slow wave sleep (SWS), rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, an intermediate sleep (IS) stage commonly occurring in, but not limited to, transitions between other stages, and high amplitude transients reminiscent of K-complexes. SWS density decreased whereas REM density increased throughout the night, with late-night characterized by substantially more REM than SWS, and relatively long bouts of REM. Birds share many features of sleep in common with mammals, but this collective suite of characteristics had not been known in any one species outside of mammals. We hypothesize that shared, ancestral characteristics of sleep in amniotes evolved under selective pressures common to songbirds and mammals, resulting in convergent characteristics of sleep.birds ͉ EEG ͉ evolution ͉ mammals ͉ automation I n mammals, a typical night of sleep is composed by successive episodes of slow wave sleep (SWS), intermediate sleep (IS), and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. In humans, IS and SWS are further subdivided into stages I and II and into stages III and IV, respectively. REM sleep is also strongly associated with vivid dreaming in humans. IS tends to act as a transition state between SWS and REM. Throughout the night, there is typically a progression toward less SWS and more REM sleep. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) associated with these sleep stages follow a 1/f distribution, i.e., higher frequencies in the EEG have smaller raw amplitudes and thus less spectral power. SWS is characterized by a high amplitude and low frequency EEG signal whereas REM sleep corresponds to a more ''awake-like'' raw signal with lower amplitudes and higher frequencies (1, 2). Brief EEG landmarks known as spindles and K-complexes are often seen in non-REM sleep (NREM) (1,3,4). Because this suite of characteristics has never been observed outside of mammals, it has been proposed that the cortex was necessary for its generation (5, 6).It is now well established that avian and mammalian forebrain organization share far more commonalities than has traditionally been recognized (7). These similarities are observed at molecular, cellular, and systems levels (8). A new terminology has been created to correct misconceptions especially regarding the avian forebrain, and which recognizes forebrain homologies comparing birds and mammals (8, 9). Of relevance to this report, direct reciprocal thalamocortical projections have been implicated in generation of sleep rhythms in mammals (6). These projections are not known in birds, but recent studies have identified descending recurrent projections of sensory pathways in birds that might serve similar functional roles, for example in the auditory system (10, 11).Both REM and NREM are known for birds, with sleep in most species being dominated by NREM with brief REM episodes (12), although passerine birds exhibit greater amounts of REM (13,14). Circadian patterns in REM and NREM are commonly known in birds (15...