The abundance of seed waste durian durian season has not been widely used, on the other hand durian seeds as a potential food source. This study aims to identify the nutrients durian seeds are used as flour and its effect if used as a stabilizer of ice cream dairy cattle. The research material consists of durian seeds are used as flour, fresh milk, skimmed milk powder, cornstarch, powdered sugar, whipping cream and yolk. The method used is Complete Random Design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment is the use of durian seed flour 0.9% concentration (TBD1); 1.1% (TBD2); 1.3% (TBD3); 1.5% (TBD4) and commercial ice cream (control). Variables include the observation of moisture, ash, fat, protein, crude fiber and gross energy (GE) using the Bomb calorimeter with proximate analysis. Observations of ice cream include pH, melt velocity, viscosity and overrun. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and further diversity Significant Difference (LSD) with XL stat program. The results showed that, the use of durian seed flour (TBD) as a stabilizer of ice cream dairy cattle were statistically significant (p <0.05) on pH value and viscosity of ice cream (cP), and no significant effect (p> 0 , 05) to the melt speed (min) and an overrun (%) with the best pH value in the control treatment (6.40) and TBD1 (6.20), the longest in the melt speed TBD3 treatment (30.14 minutes per 50 ml) the highest viscosity 335.00 cP (TBD2 treatment and TBD3) and the best overrun is 74.26% (treatment TBD4). The greater the level of use in the dough ice cream TBD showed that the increasing value of the overrun.Key words: durian seed flour, ice cream, stabilizers
ABSTRAKBerlimpahnya limbah biji durian pada musim durian belum banyak dimanfaatkan, disisi lain biji durian berpotensi sebagai sumber bahan makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi nutrisi biji durian yang dijadikan tepung dan pengaruhnya jika dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan penstabil es krim susu sapi perah. Materi penelitian terdiri dari biji durian yang dijadikan tepung, susu segar, susu bubuk skim, tepung maizena, gula halus, whipping cream dan yolk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancang Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan adalah penggunaan tepung biji durian konsentrasi 0,9% (TBD1); 1,1% (TBD2); 1,3% (TBD3) ; 1,5% (TBD4) dan es krim komersial (Kontrol). Variabel pengamatan meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, lemak, protein, serat kasar dan gross energy (GE) menggunakan Bomb calorimeter dengan analisis proksimat. Pengamatan es krim meliputi pH, kecepatan meleleh, viskositas dan overrun. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan ragam ANOVA dan uji lanjut Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) dengan program XL stat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, pengunaan tepung biji durian (TBD) sebagai bahan penstabil es krim susu sapi perah secara statistik berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap nilai pH dan viskositas es krim (cP), serta tidak berpengaruh nyata (p>0,05) terhadap kecepatan meleleh (menit) dan overrun (%) dengan nilai pH terbaik pada perlakuan...