This paper reports on the development and optimization of 0/1-level packaged coplanar waveguide (CPW) lines and radio-frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF-MEMS) switches up to millimeter-wave frequencies. The 0-level package consists of an on-chip cavity obtained by flip-chip mounting a capping chip over the RF-MEMS device using BenzoCyclobutene (BCB) as the bonding and sealing material. The 0-level coplanar RF feedthroughs are implemented using BCB as the dielectric; gold stud-bumps and thermocompression are used for realizing the 1-level package. The 0-level packaged switches have been flip-chip mounted on a multilayer thin-film interconnect substrate using a high-resistivity Si carrier with embedded passives and substrate cavities. The insertion loss of a single 0/1-level transition is below 0.15 dB at 50 GHz. The measured return loss of a 0/1-level packaged 50-CPW line remains better than 19 dB up to 71 GHz and better than 15 dB up to 90 GHz. It is shown that the leak rate of BCB sealed cavities depends on the BCB width, and leak rates as low as 10 11 mbar.l/s are measured for large BCB widths ( 800 m), dropping to 10 8 mbar.l/s for BCB widths of around 100 m. Depending on the bonding conditions, shear strengths as high as 150 MPa are achieved. Index Terms-0-level packaging, integrated passives, millimeter wave, MCM-D, RF-MEMS.