We review the results of the spin-fermion model for correlated electron materials that are sufficiently close to an antiferromagnatic instability that their staggered static magnetic susceptibility in the normal state is large compared to that found in a conventional Fermi liquid. We demonstrate that for such materials magnetically-mediated superconductivity, brought about by the exchange of spin fluctuations, is a viable alternative to conventional phonon-mediated pairing, and leads to pairing in the d x 2 −y 2 channel. If the dominant interaction between quasiparticles is of electronic origin and, at energies much smaller than the fermionic bandwidth, can be viewed as being due to the emission and absorption of a collective, soft spin degree of freedom, the low-energy physics of these materials is accurately described by the spin-fermion model. The derived dynamic magnetic susceptibility and quasiparticle interaction coincide with the the phenomenonological forms used to fit NMR experiments and in earlier Eliashberg calculations. In discussing normal state properties, the pairing instability and superconducting properties, we focus our attention on those materials that, like the cuprate, organic, and some heavy electron superconductors, display quasi-two dimensional behavior. In the absence of superconductivity, at sufficiently low temperatures and energies, a nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid is unconventional, in that the characteristic energy above which a Landau Fermi liquid description is no longer valid is not the Fermi energy, but is the much smaller spin-fluctuation energy,ω sf . For energies (or temperatures) between ω sf and the Fermi energy, the system behavior is quite different from that in a conventional Fermi liquid. Importantly, it is universal in that it is governed by just two input parameters -an effective spin-fermion interaction energy that sets the overall energy scale, and a dimensionless spin-fermion coupling constant that diverges at the antiferromagnetic quantum critical point. We discuss the pairing instability cased by the spin-fluctuation exchange, and "fingerprints" of a spin mediated pairing that are chiefly associated with the emergence of the resonance peak in the spin response of a d-wave superconductor. We identify these fingerprints in spectroscopic experiments on cuprateb superconconductors. We conclude with a discussion of open questions associated primarily with the nature of the pseudogap state found in underdoped cuprates.