This study aimed to discover how far the interests of deaf students at the SLB Kerabat Mulia Kepung Kediri Regency are in sports and health topics. This study applied a quantitative descriptive method in the form of a survey. The technique that was used to collect data was a non-test instrument, which was questionnaire. While the population and sample used in this study were 10 students that consisted of primary, junior and senior high school students at the Kepung Mulia Special School, Kediri Regency. The data description used was quantitative descriptive statistics in the form of percentages. The conclusion of the assessment of the interest of deaf students towards learning in the field of physical education, sports and health at SLB Kerabat Mulia, Kediri Regency, could be obtained a proportion of 42 percent in the low category on the feeling of pleasure indicator, the proportion of 31 percent in the medium category on the attention indicator, the proportion of 25 percent in the high category on the engagement indicator, and the proportion of 27 percent very high category on the attractiveness indicator. Based on the study results, it could be concluded that the interest of deaf students in participating in learning in the fields of physical education, sports and health at SLB Kerabat Mulia Kepung, Kediri Regency was relatively low.
Abstrak: Maksud dari pengkajian ini untuk mengerti seberapa besar ketertarikan siswa tunarungu SLB Kerabat Mulia Kepung Kabupaten Kediri pada topik olahraga dan kesehatan. Metode yang digunakan merupakan bentuk deskriptif kuantitatif bentuk survei. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen non tes yang berbentuk angket. Populasi dan sampel penelitian berjumlah 10 siswa pada tingkat SD, SMP dan SMA di SLB Kerabat Mulia Kepung Kabupaten Kediri. Uraian data memakai statistik deskriptif kuantitatif bentuk persentase. Kesimpulan pengkajian minat siswa tunarungu terhadap pembelajaran bidang pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan di SLB Kerabat Mulia Kabupaten Kediri dapat diperoleh proporsi 42 persen kategori rendah pada indikator perasaan senang, proporsi 31 persen kategori sedang pada indikator perhatian, proporsi 25 persen kategori tinggi pada indikator keterlibatan, dan proporsi 27 persen kategori sangat tinggi pada indikator ketertarikan. Berlandaskan hasil pengkajian bisa disimpulkan, maka minat siswa tunarungu mengikuti pembelajaran bidang pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan di SLB Kerabat Mulia Kepung Kabupaten Kediri tergolong rendah.