In [3], product Lagrangian tori in standard symplectic space Ê 2n were classified up to symplectomorphism. We extend this classification to tame symplectically aspherical symplectic manifolds. We show by examples that the asphericity assumption cannot be omitted.
Symplectic invariants2.1. Displacement energy and J-holomorphic discs. The first Ekeland-Hofer capacity was a key tool used in [3] for the classification of product tori in Ê 2n . This capacity is defined only for subsets of the standard symplectic space Ê 2n . We shall work with the displacement energy capacity instead, which is defined for all symplectic manifolds. In the process of computing the displacement energy for Lagrangian tori, we bring J-holomorphic discs into play, and it is here that we need the assumption that (M, ω) be tame.