The eigenvalue problem for the 1-Laplace operator, which is considered to be the EulerLagrange equation for an associated variational problem in BV (Ω), is formally given byHowever the undetermined expressions Du/|Du| and u/|u| have to be replaced with an appropriate vector field z related to u and a measurable selection s of the set-valued sign function Sgn (u(·)), respectively, such that −Div z = λs. For the special case of a square Ω ⊂ R 2 and the known minimizer u = χ C of the related variational problem, the paper presents a somehow explicit construction of corresponding vector fields z. In particular it is shown that, for a fixed selection s, the field z is not determined by means of the differential equation and its coupling conditions with u, but there are infinitely many continuous vector fields z that even differ on the boundary of Ω.