The quasidifferential of a quasidifferentiable function in the sense of Demyanov and Rubinov is not uniquely defined. Xia proposed the notion of the kernelled quasidifferential, which is expected to be a representative for the equivalent class of quasidifferentials. In the 2-dimensional case, the existence of the kernelled quasidifferential was shown. In this paper, the existence of the kernelled quasidifferential in the n-dimensional space (n > 2) is proved under the assumption that the Minkowski difference and the Demyanov difference of subdifferential and minus superdifferential coincide. In particular, given a quasidifferential, the kernelled quasidifferential can be formulated. Applications to two classes of generalized separable quasidifferentiable functions are developed. (2000): 49J52, 54C60, 90C26.
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