This paper presents an intelligent design system that enables designers to consider at the early stages of the design process all issues associated with the product life cycle. The evaluation and optimization of machining processes are among the most important aspects of these issues, requiring the involvement of various types of information from the different aspects of the product life cycle. The representation of this information in efficient format is very important for carrying out different design tasks. In order effectively to manage information exchange within different design and manufacturing domains, it is necessary to provide an efficient and timely communication network system. Therefore, various critical tasks such as overall coordination, control, consistency and data integrity have to be considered in order to avoid costly design iterations. This research article has focused on the development of a prototype system for machining process optimization.The system uses a combination of both mathematical methods and constraint programming techniques and provides designers with the evaluation and optimization of feasible machining processes in a consistent manner at the early stages of the design process. As a result, unexpected and costly design iterations, which result in wastage of a great amount of engineering time and effort, and in a longer lead time, can be avoided.The development process has passed through four major stages. Firstly, an intelligent constraintbased design system for concurrent product and process design, including a machining process optimization module, has been developed. Secondly, the product features, processes, cost, time and requirements have been represented in the format of constraints, frames, objects and production rules in order to be utilized to accomplish different design tasks. Thirdly, rules for the selection and optimization of feasible processes for complex features have been written, and finally, an information management system, with a conflict resolution mechanism, has been developed to achieve consistency in information exchange and decision-making activities between the different design areas.