Solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy of integer-spin quadrupolar nuclei is important for the molecular-level characterization of a variety of materials and biological solids; of the integer spins, 2 H (S = 1) is by far the most widely studied, due to its usefulness in probing dynamical motions. SSNMR spectra of integer-spin nuclei often feature very broad powder patterns that arise largely from the effects of the first-order quadrupolar interaction; as such, the acquisition of high-quality spectra continues to remain a challenge. The broadband adiabatic inversion cross-polarization (BRAIN-CP) pulse sequence, which is capable of cross-polarization (CP) enhancement over large bandwidths, has found success for the acquisition of SSNMR spectra of integer-spin nuclei, including 14 N (S = 1), especially when coupled with Carr-Purcell/Meiboom-Gill pulse sequences featuring frequency-swept WURST pulses (WURST-CPMG) for T 2 -based signal enhancement. However, to date, there has not been