As technology develops, leakage is becoming the dominant part of the total power dissipation, especially when a circuit frequently enters into idle state. Input Vector Control is an effective method to reduce the leakage power. Based on this technique, we present three algorithms to find the Minimum Leakage Vector rapidly, among which the first one is constructed based on the random algorithm. The second is proposed to improve the Quality of Result (QoR) of the first, while the third gets nearly the same QoR as the second, but runs faster than it. Experimental results on ISCAS85 benchmark show that, for the relatively large circuits, our best algorithm can get over 3x runtime improvement compared with Probability-Based (PB) algorithm, a very good one presented in [4], for a practical number of vectors simulated, while the quality of its result is nearly the same as PB's.Index Terms -/RZ 3RZHU ,QSXW 9HFWRU &RQWURO /HDNDJH 3RZHU 0LQLPXP /HDNDJH 9HFWRU