Abstrisct C o m m o n test pattern generation programs attempt to generate test sets of minimum size. However, they impliicitly assume that each vector be1ongi:ng to the test set is applis8d in parallel t o the primary input pins of the circuit. h i designs with boundary-scan capabilities, this is no Eonger true; in fact, the test vectors are shifted into the input register serially through the scan-in pin. Therefore, O(n. ITS1 ) clock cycles are required to applli to the circuit the com,plet3. test set, where n indicates the length of each input vector and ITS1 represents the size of the test set. T h e t i m : required to apply the test set to the circuit can be reduci:d if the serial test stream is compacted by exploiting sorni: overlapping of the test vectors. In th.is paper we present a heuristic technique for the minimization of a given test set; experimental results are provided to demonstrate thc efiectiveness of our approach.