We consider robust (undirected) network design (RND) problems where the set of feasible demands may be given by an arbitrary convex body. This model, introduced by Ben-Ameur and Kerivin [Ben-Ameur W, Kerivin H (2003) New economical virtual private networks. Comm. ACM 46(6):69-73], generalizes the well-studied virtual private network (VPN) problem. Most research in this area has focused on constant factor approximations for specific polytope of demands, such as the class of hose matrices used in the definition of VPN. As pointed out in Chekuri [Chekuri C (2007) Routing and network design with robustness to changing or uncertain traffic demands. SIGACT News 38(3):106-128], however, the general problem was only known to be APX-hard (based on a reduction from the Steiner tree problem). We show that the general robust design is hard to approximate to within polylogarithmic factors. We establish this by showing a general reduction of buy-at-bulk network design to the robust network design problem. Gupta pointed out that metric embeddings imply an O log n -approximation for the general RND problem, and hence this is tight up to polylogarithmic factors.In the second part of the paper, we introduce a natural generalization of the VPN problem. In this model, the set of feasible demands is determined by a tree with edge capacities; a demand matrix is feasible if it can be routed on the tree. We give a constant factor approximation algorithm for this problem that achieves factor of 8 in general, and 2 for the case where the tree has unit capacities. As an application of this result, we consider so-called H-tope demand polytopes. These correspond to demands which are routable in some graph H . We show that the corresponding RND problem has an O 1 -approximation if H admits a stochastic constant-distortion embedding into tree metrics.Keywords: robust network design MSC2000 subject classification: Primary: 90B18; secondary: 68M10, 90C35, 90C27 OR/MS subject classification: Primary: networks/graphs: theory History: Received September 7, 2012; revised May 5, 2013. Published online in Articles in Advance September 6, 2013.1. Introduction. Robust network design considers the problem of designing a network, by buying bandwidth on some underlying undirected graph G = V E , to support some set of valid demands. By a "demand," we mean simply a prescription of the traffic requirements of the network at some moment; between any pair of nodes, the needed bandwidth is specified. So we may represent a demand by a matrix D ij , indexed by nodes, and the set or universe of valid demands as a set of such matrices; the universe is assumed to be given. Subject to the constraint that all demands in the universe be routable, our goal is to minimize the cost of the network; we may buy arbitrary amounts of bandwidth on any network edge, and pay for each unit of bandwidth. We will use the term robust network design (RND) to refer to this optimization problem. This model is motivated by situations where the traffic across the network is variable, or ...