As pointed out by Sijtsma (in press), coefficient alpha is inappropriate as a single summary of the internal consistency of a composite score. Better estimators of internal consistency are available. In addition to those mentioned by Sijtsma, an old dimension-free coefficient and structural equation model based coefficients are proposed to improve the routine reporting of psychometric internal consistency. The various ways to measure internal consistency are also shown to be appropriate to binary and polytomous items.Sijtsma (in press) has ably critiqued the unfortunate ascendance of coefficient alpha as the almost universal and sole estimator of the somewhat vague population concept of internal consistency. Among several recommendations, he suggests to report the greatest lower bound, here denoted ρ glb , as a measure of internal consistency reliability, and the explained common variance (ECV) based on minimum rank factor analysis, as a measure of unidimensionality. These are good recommendations, but they are incomplete. We provide additional technical detail on some methods, and also consider several alternative methods.Using a slightly different notation than Sijtsma, we are interested in describing the reliability of a composite X that is a simple sum of p unit-weighted components such as X = X 1 + X 2 +… + X p . An internal consistency reliability coefficient describes the quality of the composite or scale in terms of hypothesized constituents of the components X i . These might represent true and error parts based on classical test theory (X i = T i + E i ), common and unique parts based on common factor analysis (X i = C i + U i ), or the loading of the component on its factor plus residual error (X i = λ i F + E i ). Since U i is the sum of two uncorrelated parts called specificity and error, that is, U i = S i + E i , where S i is specificity, it is a more general decomposition than that of classical test theory and we focus on it. We assume that C i , and U i are uncorrelated, and that the X i are not linearly dependent. Then the covariance structure model ∑ = ∑ C + Ψ follows, where ∑ C is the positive semidefinite (psd) covariance matrix of the common variables and Ψ is the covariance matrix of the unique variables, typically taken as positive definite and diagonal. In general, the C i , are linearly dependent, so that ∑ C can be of low rank and can have such factor analytic (FA) decompositions as ∑ C = ΛΛ′ or ∑ C = ΛΦΛ′, or a structure based on a FA simultaneous equation system such as ∑ C = Λ(I − B) −1 Φ(I − B) −1′ Λ′ (see Bentler, 2007). Here Λis a factor loading matrix,Φ is the covariance matrix of nondependent latent factors, and B is a matrix of coefficients relating latent factors.