Here it is started with the proportionality between Planck's and related gravitational parameters. Using the ratio between Planck mass and related minimal gravitational radius (half of Planck length) we obtain maximal radial density (kg/m) in gravitational field. On the other hand, minimal radial density one obtains using the ratio between Planck mass and related maximal radius in gravitational field. It is based on new Relativistic Alpha Field Theory (RAFT) that predicts the existence of minimal and maximal gravitational radius in a gravitational field. Thus, no singularity at the minimal gravitational radius and no infinity at the maximal gravitational radius. It is shown that the maximal radial density is constant and is valid for all amounts of masses. Also, minimal radial density is constant and is valid for all amounts of masses. Using Planck parameters, it is calculated the energy conservation constant k = 0.999934. Since this constant is less from unity and grater from zero, the minimal gravitational radius cannot be zero (no singularity in a gravitational field) and maximal gravitational radius cannot be infinitive (no infinity in gravitational field). Here quantization of a gravitational field is based on the multiplication of the minimal gravitational length (twice of minimal radius) by parameter n =1, 2,… The calculation of the minimum time transition between two quantum state for the proton gives 0.413466×10 -62 seconds. The minimal expansion time from minimal to maximal radius of proton is equal to 1.253992×10 -58 sec. This is in accordance with recently observation, revealing nano big bang: the first millisecond of crystal formation. The calculation of the minimum time transition between two quantum state for Universe is 13.948503×10 9 years. The minimal expansion time from minimal to maximal radius of Universe is equal to 422,151.136168×10 9 years. Previous calculation is based on the velocity equal to the speed of light. Since the real transition velocity is less than the speed of light, the real transition and expansion times are greater compare to the previous calculation. Following the previous results, one can understand why the quantum approach has only sense for the small mases i.e. particles.