Given a social network, how to find communities of nodes based on their diffusive characteristics? There exist two important types of nodes, for information propagation: nodes that are influential ("kernel nodes"), and nodes that serve as "bridges" to boost the diffusion ("media nodes"). How to find these nodes and uncover connections between them? In addition, it is also important to discover the hidden community structure of these nodes, which can help study their interactions, predict links and also understand the information flow in such networks.In this paper, we give an intuitive and novel optimization-based formulation for this task, which aims to discover media nodes as well as community structures of kernel nodes. We prove our task is computationally challenging, and develop an effective and practical algorithm MeiKe (pronounced as 'Mike'). It first obtains media nodes via a new successive summarization based approach, and then finds kernel nodes including their community structures. Experimental results show that MeiKe finds high-quality media and kernel communities which match our expectations and ground-truth (outperforming non-trivial baselines by 40% in F1-score). Our case studies also demonstrate the applicability of MeiKe on a variety of datasets.