Abstract. Recent observational and modeling studies suggest that
stratospheric ozone depletion not only influences the surface climate in the
Southern Hemisphere (SH), but also impacts Northern Hemisphere (NH) spring,
which implies a strong interaction between dynamics and chemistry. Here, we
systematically analyze the importance of interactive chemistry with respect
to the representation of stratosphere–troposphere coupling and in particular
the effects on NH surface climate during the recent past. We use the
interactive and specified chemistry version of NCAR's Whole Atmosphere Community
Climate Model coupled to an ocean model to investigate differences in the
mean state of the NH stratosphere as well as in stratospheric extreme events,
namely sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs), and their surface impacts. To be
able to focus on differences that arise from two-way interactions between
chemistry and dynamics in the model, the specified chemistry model version
uses a time-evolving, model-consistent ozone field generated by the
interactive chemistry model version. We also test the effects of zonally
symmetric versus asymmetric prescribed ozone, evaluating the importance of
ozone waves in the representation of stratospheric mean state and
variability. The interactive chemistry simulation is characterized by a significantly
stronger and colder polar night jet (PNJ) during spring when
ozone depletion becomes important. We identify a negative feedback between
lower stratospheric ozone and atmospheric dynamics during the breakdown of
the stratospheric polar vortex in the NH, which contributes to the different
characteristics of the PNJ between the simulations. Not only the mean state,
but also stratospheric variability is better represented in the interactive
chemistry simulation, which shows a more realistic distribution of SSWs as
well as a more persistent surface impact afterwards compared with the
simulation where the feedback between chemistry and dynamics is switched off.
We hypothesize that this is also related to the feedback between ozone and
dynamics via the intrusion of ozone-rich air into polar latitudes during
SSWs. The results from the zonally asymmetric ozone simulation are closer to
the interactive chemistry simulations, implying that under a
model-consistent ozone forcing, a three-dimensional (3-D) representation of the
prescribed ozone field is desirable. This suggests that a 3-D ozone forcing,
as recommended for the upcoming CMIP6 simulations, has the potential to
improve the representation of stratospheric dynamics and chemistry. Our
findings underline the importance of the representation of interactive
chemistry and its feedback on the stratospheric mean state and variability
not only in the SH but also in the NH during the recent past.