Two forms of DNA polymerase have been studied in the basidiomycete Coprinus. DNA polymerase from basidiocarp tissues at zygotene-pachytene stage has been purified 3,500-fold and defined as DNA polymerase b by virtue of its insensitivity to N-ethylmaleimide and by its low molecular weight (76,000). This enzyme has optimal activity at pH 7.0 to 7.5, at 200 mM KCI, and at 25C incubation temperature. It can use polycytidylic acid-oligo(dG)12_18 as template primer in addition to homodeoxypolymers. The DNA polymerase a is mainly produced in the exponentially growing mycelium. It is sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide and has a temperature optimum at 35°C. At the premeiotic S phase, activities from both polymerase a and polymerase b are found in cell-free extracts. The b enzyme is the only DNA polymerase produced during meiotic prophase. Its assayable activity exhibits two peaks, one at premeiotic S stage and one at pachytene. It is possible that DNA polymerase b is responsible for pachytene repairs involved in recombination.In recent years, we have been interested in the synchronous meiotic system of Coprinus (8,9a,11) and in particular, the DNA repair synthesis and its relationship to genetic recombination (10). In this connection, it is prudent to examine the activities of DNA polymerases during meiotic and premeiotic stages. Our finding has been most interesting, as this represents the first detailed characterization of meiotic DNA polymerase in the higher basidiomycetes.The presence of several distinct types of DNA-dependent DNA polymerases has been well documented; these include I, II, and III for bacteria (5) and alpha, beta, and gamma for mammalian cells (17). The same information is lacking in the lower eucaryotes, especially the higher fungi. As recently as 1977, the lower eucaryotes were believed not to have DNA polymerase , (2). Only recently, the ,B-like DNA polymerase has been reported in the slime mold Dictyostelium (1) and Physarum polycephalum (14) and in the protozoan Tetrahymena (4). In plants, the ,B-like enzyme has been found in Lilium (13) and cauliflower (3). The production of 13-like DNA polymerase is less than 10%o of the total enzyme in Dictyostelium somatic cells, it is limited to late log phase in Tetrahymena, and it is produced in excess of the a-like enzyme in meiotic cells in cauliflower and Lilium sporocytes. It is possible that the 1-like DNA polymerase has an important physiological function to play in meiotic processes and is therefore primarily produced during meiosis. For the present paper, we took advantage of the synchronous meiotic system of Coprinus cinereus to test this possibility, and we present evidence that the 1-like enzyme (to be called DNA polymerase b) is the only DNA polymerase produced during meiotic prophase in C. cinereus.
MATERIALS AND METHODSTerminology. The DNA polymerases of procaryotes are named polymerase I, II, and III, whereas those of mammalian cells are classified as polymerase a, 1, and y. In the higher fungi, a new notation may be in order. We propose for the ...