Fault-tolerant image fi lter design using particle swarm optimizationRecently chip integration has become higher and higher, so that it increases the probability of faulty components, and the complexity of designs increases the probability of human error. The tolerance for faults diminishes as highly reliable systems are in demand. Therefore, the need for faulttolerant designs is stated as the long-term grand challenge. 6 To solve this problem, we have proposed a fault-tolerant image fi lter design using a GA (genetic algorithm), 7 and the experimental results show that the resultant image fi lter is indeed fault-tolerant. However, the problems of quality and processing time still remain, and which evolutionary method (e.g., GA, genetic programming (GP), particle swarm optimization (PSO), or ant colony optimization (ACO)) is most suitable has not been investigated.This article describes an effi cient image fi lter design for noise reduction using PSO on a reconfi gurable processing array, where some faulty confi gurable logic blocks (CLBs) may exist at random, as shown in Fig. 1. The mixed constraints on circuit complexity, power, and signal delay in both logic blocks and wires are optimized. In this design, fi rst evaluations of correctness, complexity, power, and signal delay are introduced to the fi tness function. Then PSO autonomously synthesizes an image fi lter which is simple, shows a better performance, and fi ts the reconfi gurable processing array with some faults. To verify the validity of our method, an image fi lter for noise reduction is experimentally synthesized.The organization of this article is as follows: a brief overview of PSO is given in the next section, Sect. 3 describes fault-tolerant design optimization for an image fi lter using PSO, and Sect. 4 shows the experimental results. Finally, Sect. 5 gives our conclusions.
Particle swarm optimizationPSO is an algorithmic model of swarm intelligence that fi nds a solution to an optimization problem in a search space.Abstract This article describes a mixed constrained image fi lter design with fault tolerance using particle swarm optimization (PSO) on a reconfi gurable processing array. There may be some faulty confi gurable logic blocks (CLBs) in a reconfi gurable processing array. The proposed method with PSO autonomously synthesizes a fi lter fi tted to the reconfi gurable device with some faults in order to optimize the complexity and power of the circuit, and the signal delay in both the CLBs and the wires. An image fi lter for noise reduction is experimentally synthesized to verify the validity of our method. By evolution, the quality of the optimized image fi lter on a reconfi gurable device with a few faults is almost same as that on a device with no faults.