“…Myosatellite cells are quiescent in adult muscle, but act as and chondrosteand. In Chondrostei (Acipenseridae), myoblasts derived from the somite fuse to form multinucleated muscle lamellae (flattened form of muscle fibres), whereas in teleosts, such as pike (Esox lucius) (Kacperczyk and Daczewska, 2006), European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), (Merkel, 1995), zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio), (Waterman, 1996, after Johnston, 2001) and European pearlfish (Rutilus frisii meidingeri) (Stoiber and Sänger, 1996), myoblast fusion results in formation of mutinucleated muscle fibres (Daczewska, 2006). However, there are also some differences in embryonic muscle fibre formation between fishes and amphibians.…”