The effect on the mixing time of the density difference between the tracer fluid and the bulk, the type and geometry of the impeller, and the amount of the fluid added as a tracer, has been investigated in a tank with diameter of 0.3 1 m. The amount of tracer pulse has been varied in the range of 2 to 8% of the bulk volume and the density difference between two fluids has been varied in the range of 54 to 145 kg/m3. A generalized correlation has been developed for the prediction of dimensionless mixing time (NO) in terms of amount of the tracer fluid, density differences between the bulk and the tracer liquid and the pumping effectiveness of the impeller. A pitched blade downflow turbine with diameter as small as possible is the most energy efficient among the impellers studied in this work.L'effet sur le temps de melange de la difference de masse volumique entre le fluide traceur et le milieu en masse, du type de turbine et de sa geometrie et de la quantite de fluide ajoute comme traceur, a ete etudie dans un reservoir de 0,3 1 m de diametre. On a fait varier la quantite de traceur entre 2 et 8% du volume apparent et la difference de masse volumique entre deux fluides entre 54 et 145kg/m3. Une correlation generalisee a ete mise au point pour la prediction du temps de melange adimensionnel (NO) en termes de quantite de fluide traceur, de differences de masse volumique entre le milieu et le fluide traceur et de I'efficacite de pompage de la turbine. La turbine a ecoulement descendant a lames inclinees d'un diametre aussi petit que possible est la plus efficace en termes d'energie des turbines etudiees dans ce travail.Keywords: mixing time, miscible liquids, volume of tracer pulse, density difference.he mixing of miscible liquids with different physical T properties is a common operation in many chemical and food processing industries. The applications of such a mixing process range from the mixing of various gasoline fractions in large storage tanks to the homogenization of ingredient fluids in soft drinks production or the blending of domestic detergent products or paints. Mixing across density interfaces also occurs in other contexts outside mainstream chemical engineering, e.g. in dense gas dispersion, mixing in the oceanic thermocline, etc.The mixing operation across density andor viscosity barriers can be broadly divided into two types, viz. a mixing operation involving the addition of a small amount of the liquid with a difference in the physical properties, into a bulk of another liquid which is agitated in turbulent condition by mechanical stirrer or, alternatively, a mixing of two stratified layers (stratification is as a result of the large difference in the density and/or viscosity of the two fluids).The two liquids are fully miscible, but for complete homogenization the effects of viscous and buoyancy forces must be overcome by the inertial forces generated by the impeller. When the two fluids to be mixed have large differences in density and viscosity, very long mixing times are observed resulting in ...