A B S T R A C T A study was performed in five normal men in whom left ventricular volume was measured by thermodilution in the supine and 600 head-up postures. in the control state, and then during steady-state response to isoproterenol. The mean rate of circumferential shortening of the left ventricle was calculated for each of the postures in both inotropic states and was found to remain constant in the control state at 12.5 ±0.6 cm/sec in the supine posture and 13.3 +0.5 cm/sec in the tilted posture. Similarly, mean rate of circumferential shortening remained constant in response to the positive inotropic effect of isoproterenol at 20.9 ±0.5 cm/sec in the supine position and 20.7 ±0.5 cm/sec in the tilted pos-