behalf of the MIXS collaboration ABSTRACT X-ray detectors based on arrays of DEPFET macropixels, which consist of a silicon drift detector combined with a detector/amplifier structure DEPFET as readout node, provide a convenient and flexible way to adapt the pixel size of a focal plane detector to the resolving power of any given X-ray optical system. Macropixels combine the traditional benefits of an SDD, like scalability, arbitrary geometry and excellent QE even in the low energy range, with the advantages of DEPFET structures: Charge storage capability, near Fano-limited energy resolution, low power consumption and high speed readout. Being part of the scientific payload of ESA's BepiColombo mission, the MIXS instrument will be the first instrument to make use of DEPFET macropixel based FPA detectors in space. MIXS will perform a complete planetary X-ray fluorescence analysis of Mercury's crust with high spectral and spatial resolution. MIXS will contain two focal plane detectors consisting of a 64 × 64 macropixel matrix with 300 × 300 μm 2 pixel size. The main challenges for the instrument are the difficult radiation and thermal environment around Mercury, requiring high speed readout and sophisticated thermal management to reduce the impact of thermally generated leakage current within an irradiated detector. Dedicated VLSI integrated readout electronics has been developed for MIXS: a fast, radiation hard, low power, high voltage switch circuit to control the device, and a low noise, high speed amplifier/shaper IC. Detector assemblies have been built, electrical screening tests for the flight models and spectroscopical qualification tests are in progress.