SUMMARYNegative-resistance elements are important components in sustained oscillator circuits, and form the fundamental basis for various other nonlinear circuits. One of the most promising candidates among these elements for future high-frequency applications is the resonant tunneling diode, due to its high-speed characteristics. In this article we will discuss applications of negative resistance with an emphasis on these resonant tunneling diodes. First we will discuss millimeter and submillimeter waves, where the most fundamental and promising applications are. The first circuits we will investigate are oscillators; we then propose to use these circuits as a starting point for constructing generators of chaotic signals. We then discuss series-and parallel-connected negative-resistance elements, which leads us to the concept of monostable-bistable logic elements (MOBILE). We will describe and explain the origin of various distinctive features of the functioning of these elements and explore one of their most promising applications, that is, as AD converters.