We survey recent progress in calculating properties of the electron and hadrons within the Basis Light Front Quantization (BLFQ) approach. We include applications to electromagnetic and strong scattering processes in relativistic heavy ion collisions. We present an initial investigation into the glueball states by applying BLFQ with multigluon sectors, introducing future research possibilities on multi-quark and multi-gluon systems.Static and dynamic properties of the hadrons, including finite nuclei, are the foci of major theoretical and experimental efforts in the nuclear physics community. Interesting topics include the nonperturbative roles of the constituent quarks and gluons in the manifested phenomena such as the distribution of angular momenta, pileup of gluon distributions at low longitudinal momentum fractions, electromagnetic moments/transitions, emergence of exotic structures beyond the simple constituent models and diffractive production cross sections. Our BLFQ framework addresses these phenomena with a relativistic treatment of the Hamiltonian developed with input from the QCD Lagrangian supplemented by confining terms. We solve for the mass eigenstates and their light-front amplitudes in the Basis Light Front Quantization (BLFQ) approach [1; 2; 3]. The light front amplitudes bridge our theory with observables such as form factors, decay constants and those in time-dependent scattering processes [4; 5]. Specifically, our Hamiltonian framework allows the study of time-dependent phenomena using the time-dependent Basis Light Front Quantization (tBLFQ) approach. We gradually improve the tBLFQ results by replacing modeled background fields with those obtained directly from QCD.In this article we overview recent developments, expanding our report of last year [6], and survey prospects for the near future. For additional perspectives of recent research and future prospects in lightfront Hamiltonian theory, see Refs. [7; 8] and references therein.
Basis Light-Front QuantizationThe non-perturbative solution of quantum field theory within the Hamiltonian framework has a rich history. Pioneering efforts addressed the mass eigenstate problem of the light-front Hamiltonian in the discretized plane-wave basis [9] called Discretized Light-Cone Quantization (DLCQ), whose application continues to the present [8]. In order to better address the conserved total angular momentum projection, to improve numerical convergence when confining interactions are present and to facilitate multi-fermion and multiboson applications, we introduced BLFQ by adapting successful methods from ab initio nuclear structure theory [1].We aim to solve the light-front mass eigenvalue problem expressed as,where the operatorsP + andP − are the longitudinal momentum (+) and the light-front quantized Hamiltonian (−), whileP ⊥ represents the transverse momentum. The invariant-mass (M ) spectrum and lightfront state vectors |ψ h result from diagonalizing Eq. 1 in a suitable matrix representation of the effective Hamiltonian. Expressing the state...