Resistance noise spectroscopy is applied to bulk single crystals of the quasi-two-dimensional organic conductor -͑BEDT-TTF͒ 2 Cu͓N͑CN͒ 2 ͔Cl both under moderate-pressure and at ambient-pressure conditions. When pressurized, the system can be shifted to the inhomogeneous coexistence region of antiferromagnetic insulating and superconducting phases, where percolation effects dominate the electronic fluctuations ͓J. Müller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 047004 ͑2009͔͒. Independent of the pressure conditions, at higher temperatures we observe generic 1 / f ␣ -type spectra, typical for this class of quasi-two-dimensional organic chargetransfer salts. The magnitude of the electronic noise is extremely enhanced compared to typical values of homogeneous semiconductors or metals. This indicates that a highly inhomogeneous current distribution may be an intrinsic property of organic charge-transfer salts. The temperature dependence of the nearly 1 / f spectra can be very well described by a generalized random fluctuation model ͓P. Dutta, P. Dimon, and P. M. Horn, Rev. Lett. 43, 646 ͑1979͔͒. We find that the number of fluctuators and/or their coupling to the electrical resistance depend on the temperature. The phenomenological model explains a pronounced peak structure in the low-frequency noise at around 100 K, which is not observed in the resistivity itself, in terms of the thermally activated conformational degrees of freedom of the BEDT-TTF molecules' ethylene endgroups.