We present the results of the investigation of magnetic properties of the Er 2 Ti 2−x Sn x O 7 series. For small doping values, the ordering temperature decreases linearly with x, while the moment configuration remains the same as in the x = 0 parent compound. Around x = 1.7 doping level, we observe a change in the behavior, where the ordering temperature starts to increase and new magnetic Bragg peaks appear. For the first time, we present evidence of a long-range order (LRO) in Er 2 Sn 2 O 7 (x = 2.0) below T N = 130 mK. It is revealed that the moment configuration corresponds to a Palmer-Chalker type with a value of the magnetic moment significantly renormalized compared to x = 0. We discuss our results in the framework of a possible quantum phase transition occurring close to x = 1.7. Er 2 Ti 2 O 7 has the highest ordering temperature of all the rare-earth pyrochlores studied so far (T N = 1.23 K, Ref.[4]) with no apparent sample dependence, indicating a robust ground state. It orders into a noncoplanar k = 0 antiferromagnetic structure, described by the ψ 2 basis vector of the 5 irreducible representation [5]. Interestingly, another spin configuration (ψ 3 ) within 5 results with the same energy as ψ 2 (ψ 1 and ψ 2 in Ref. [6]). It has been long-proposed that ψ 2 is favored based on entropic grounds with both thermal [7] and quantum fluctuations [8]. This so-called "order-by-disorder" scenario has recently been verified both experimentally [9] and theoretically [10]. It is thus of great interest to investigate further the delicate balance between these degenerate states.One direction of investigation is a magnetic dilution of erbium sites by nonmagnetic ytrium ions, Er 2−x Y x Ti 2 O 7 . Niven et al. [11] have concluded from a heat capacity study that the dilution reduces the ordering temperature in a linear fashion, with a percolation threshold of ≈ 60 %. To the contrary, two independent theoretical studies [12,13] suggested an existence of a first order phase transition between ψ 2 and ψ 3 at around * ivica.zivkovic@epfl.ch 7% level. Indeed, recent neutron diffraction experiments [14] showed an instability of ψ 2 state and closing of an energy gap at somewhat higher level of doping, between 10% and 20%. They interpreted the results on the 20% sample as a frozen mosaic of ψ 2 and ψ 3 domains.The emergence of the ψ 3 state is explained through the "order-by-structural disorder" mechanism, which competes with the before-mentioned, entropy-based order-by-disorder [12]. When the system is found within such an intricate balance between the states, it is natural to consider effects of exchange energy tuning. A very general theoretical approach has been conducted by Wong et al. taking into account the anisotropic nearest-neighbor couplings [15]. Due to their very similar ionic radius, magnetic dilution with ytrium does not affect much the exchange interaction between erbium moments [11,14]. On the other hand, when doping is performed on the B site of the pyrochlore lattice, replacing Ti by either Sn or Ge, the ef...