The available experimental data on the excitation functions (EF) of the lp-shell A-hypernuclei in (K-, re-) reactions at 0~=0 ~ has been analysed in terms of shell model and weak coupling scheme. It is substantiated by the experimental data on the neutron spectroscopic factors and on the fragmentation of nuclear hole excitations. The pronounced nuclear spectroscopic characteristics in the hypernuclear spectra are indicative of a weak coupling of A-hyperon with nuclear subsystem. The analysis has made it possible to determine the difference is single-particle energies of A-hyperon in the lp-and 1s-states and to obtain additional evidence for the smallness of the A-nucleus spin-orbit interaction. The resonance structure of EF of hypernuclei, which were not studied in (K-no) reactions, is predicted. The interrelated aspects of the studies of the (K-, no), , --Jr (K-, rc o 7% (7, K o 7% and (K-, n +) reactions which are of interest to spectroscopy of Aand Z-hypernuclei are discussed.