We present magnetization isotherms in pulsed magnetic fields up to 62 Tesla, supported by first principles calculations, demonstrating a huge uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy -approximately 20 MJ/m 3 -in UMn 2 Ge 2 . This large anisotropy results from the extremely strong spin-orbit coupling affecting the uranium 5 f electrons, which in the calculations exhibit a substantial orbital moment exceeding 2 Bohr magnetons. We also find from theoretical calculations that a number of isostructural Mn-actinide compounds are expected to have similarly large anisotropy.Introduction. Uranium-3d transition metal compounds present a wide range of behaviors, ranging from superconductivity in U 6 Mn and U 6 Fe 1 , ferromagnetism with T c above room temperature in UMn 2 Ge 2 2 , antiferromagnetism and heavy-fermion behavior in UNi 4 B, 3 , and the unexpected paramagnetism 4 in UMn 2 . All these materials appear to present an interplay across energy scales, in particular in which the uranium spin-orbit coupling rivals and sometimes exceeds typical energy scales such as the crystal field splitting and electronic band width.