A strong pre-polarization field, usually tenths of a milli-tesla in magnitude, is used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio in ordinary superconducting quantum interference device-based nuclear magnetic resonance/magnetic resonance imaging experiments. Here, we introduce an experimental approach using two techniques to remove the need for the pre-polarization field. A dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) technique enables us to measure an enhanced resonance signal. In combination with a p=2 pulse to avoid the Bloch-Siegert effect in a micro-tesla field, we obtained an enhanced magnetic resonance image by using DNP technique with a 34.5 lT static external magnetic field without field cycling. In this approach, the problems of eddy current and flux trapping in the superconducting pickup coil, both due to the strong pre-polarization field, become negligible.Currently, a strong pre-polarization field (B p ) is indispensable for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in most superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID)-based ultra-low field (ULF) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. 1-20 The field should be applied for a while before acquisition, because a static magnetic field (B m ) operating in the micro-tesla range cannot generate sufficient nuclear spin polarization. There are some challenges involved in producing a strong B p , which is one of the critical issues in ULF-NMR/MRI. In order to create a stronger B p , various types of B p coils have been used, such as a permanent magnet 1 and coils with the following cooling agents: forced air, 2 water, 3,4 a fluorine-based industrial coolant, 5 liquid helium, 6,7 and liquid nitrogen. [8][9][10][11][12] In spite of these efforts, the strength of B p has been limited to below approximately 150 mT. 3 Increasing the magnitude of the B p has also yielded unwanted effects: flux trapping in the superconducting pickup coil 7 and the generation of eddy currents on the walls of a magnetically shielded room (MSR). 4,11-13 These side effects can deteriorate the NMR/MRI signals.There is an alternate method to increase the SNR that does not involve increasing B p. Nuclear polarization can be enhanced by using the dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) method. When unpaired electron spins are resonated with the magnetic field by applying an external radio-frequency (rf) field (B rf ), creating electron spin resonance (ESR), nuclear spins have non-equilibrium polarization due to the transfer of polarization from the excited unpaired electron spins to the nuclear spins via cross-relaxation. The nuclear spin polarization in the non-equilibrium state is much larger than that in the thermal equilibrium state for a given magnetic field. 21 Several DNP experiments with small B p that use the SQUID-based NMR/MRI system have been reported. 14-16 However, we have demonstrated an experimental approach without B p. We have obtained a clear DNP MR image by a circularly polarized pulse technique 17,18 at 34.5 lT B m. The problems of eddy currents and...