We present a direct Monte-Carlo determination of the scaling dimension of a topological defect operator in the infrared fixed point of a three-dimensional interacting quantum field theory. For this, we compute the free energy to introduce the background gauge field of the Q = 1 monopole-antimonopole pair in three-dimensional non-compact QED with N = 2, 4 and 12 flavors of massless two-component fermions, and study its asymptotic logarithmic dependence on the monopole-antimonopole separation.We estimate the scaling dimension in the N = 12 case to be consistent with the large-N (free fermion) value. We find the deviations from this large-N value for N = 2 and 4 are positive but small, implying that the higher order corrections in the large-N expansion become mildly important for N = 2, 4. * Electronic address: nkarthik@bnl.gov † Electronic address: rajamani.narayanan@fiu.edu arXiv:1908.05500v2 [hep-lat]