The bond energy and electronic properties of a multicomponent fullerene G2B24N24 have been calculated by using a self-consistent field (SCF) molecular-orbital (MO) method based on the non-localdensity-functional formalism. The structure of G2B24N24, which is optimized by a non-SCF-MO method with Harris functional approximation, is distorted by at most 5% from that of C 6 o. The electrons of C12B24N24 are localized on the N atoms, so that the network of n electrons of C60 is broken and the bond energy of C12B24N24 is about 0.7 eV/atom smaller than that of C 6 o. The energy gaps between the highest-occupied MO and the lowest-unoccupied MO are 2.44 (C12B24N24) and 1.63 eV (C 6 o).PACS numbers: 31.20.Sy, 71.1O.+xRecently, Smalley and co-workers [1] have carried out successful syntheses, replacing one or more carbon atoms of the C60 with boron and/or nitrogen atoms, which have led to many kinds of substituted fullerenes: C6o-«B", where n ranges between 1 and 6, C58BN, and so on. Their success has opened up a new field of study on multicomponent fullerenes. The stepwise replacement of C 2 units with BN in C 58 BN can produce C56B2N2, C54B3N3, and finally B30N30. The cage structure for B30N30, however, is not expected to be as stable as C60, because of the relatively weak B-B and N-N bonds [2].Xia et al. and Bowser, Jelsky, and George [3] have proposed a cage-shaped Q2B24N24 cluster, with six C-C, twelve C-B, twelve C-N, and sixty B-N nearest-neighbor interactions, and concluded from calculations of total energies, enthalpies of formation, and enthalpies of product reactions by the modified neglect of differential overlap (MNDO) method that Q2B24N24 rivals C 6 o with respect to thermodynamic stability. Our previous calculations [4,5] with local-density and spin-restricted approximations clarified that C59B, C59N, C 58 B 2 , C 58 N 2 , and C 58 BN have smaller bond energies compared with C6o-It is then expected that C12B24N24 is less stable than C60, at least from the viewpoint of static stability. In the present study, we have calculated the bonding and electronic properties of Q2B24N24 and C 6 n, and clarified that the former has smaller bond energy and larger localization of electrons than C6o-For structure optimization, we used a non-self-consistent field molecular-orbital (MO) method with Harris approximation [6], in which the total electron density of the system is approximated by a superposition of electron densities of the isolated atoms with a first-order energy correction of the density error. This assumption makes calculations of the electrostatic potential and Coulomb energy easier and eliminates the self-consistent-field (SCF) iteration. In the non-SCF-MO calculations, we used the single Slater orbitals [7] as a basis set. The structure optimization process was iterated until the maximum atomic force calculated from the energy gradients became smaller than 0.002 hartree/#o (#o is the Bohr radius). To confirm the suitability of the non-SCF-MO method to calculating stable structures of C60 and Q2B24N24, we fir...