Well-defined arrangements of the secondary intermolecular interactions play important roles for the design of new materials, which leads to unique self-assemblies consisting of multicomponent molecules with different sizes and shapes. Much work has gone into characterizing the static structures of such selfassembled systems. 1 Cooperative secondary interactions influence the molecular dynamics of the components and the bulk properties. Therefore, understanding relationship between microscopic dynamics and secondary interactions in self-assemblies is an important subject in this field. 2 Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) is a hydrogen acceptor and can form supramolecular crystals with a small molecule of UREA, which is a hydrogen donor, in methanol solutions. XRD revealed that two-thirds of the UREA molecules form nanochannels with a diameter of ∼1 nm, inside which isolated PEO chains and the remaining UREA molecules are included ( Figure 1a). 3 Several groups have investigated PEO dynamics in this unique morphology by conventional NMR relaxation measurements and have suggested that the dynamics of PEO is restricted by cooperative hydrogen bonding. 4,5 However, the details of the geometry and kinetics of the molecular dynamics of PEO in this supramolecular system are not well understood.Solid-state (SS) NMR techniques using magnetically anisotropic interactions can provide not only the kinetics and but also the geometry of the molecular dynamics. 6 In the past decade, various sophisticated SS-NMR techniques have been developed to investigate molecular dynamics in a wide frequency range in natural abundance. 7-11 Among them, center bands only detection of exchange (CODEX) 7,8 NMR can provide both the geometry and kinetics of molecular dynamics in a slow range and has been successfully applied to investigate the molecular dynamics of small molecules, 7 polymers, 12-14 liquid crystals, 15 and polymer blends. 16 However, this robust technique suffers from low NMR sensitivity, which has limited its application in chemically complex systems and/or systems with long T 1H values. Recently, Wickramasinghe et al. proposed a simple approach using paramagnetic doping for sensitivity enhancement. 17 Adding a small amount of a paramagnetic compound into a protein crystal could effectively shorten the T 1H value without disturbing the structures. Similar strategies may be applicable to self-assemblied systems. In this Communication, CODEX NMR and paramagnetic doping have been used to elucidate the dynamic nature of PEO in a PEO-UREA supramolecular system in natural abundance. Figure 1a shows the 13 C CPMAS NMR spectrum for PEO-UREA supramolecules at 213 K and their structures. PEO shows a very sharp 13 C signal at 70 ppm. The single resonance supports the result the PEO chains adopt a uniform 4 1 helical conformation which was obtained by XRD. 3 The observed single resonance is in stark contrast to a bulk PEO signal, which has multiple splitting on its 13 C signal (Figure 2b). Using 13 C-13 C double quantum NMR combined with relaxation...