The independent effects of e.rcitation frequency and escitariorr n~agnitltde on esperin~entally derived hearing coeficier~ts for a highly preloaded three-lobe jo~rrnal hearing were studied. The effect of escitation fieq~ret~cy was determined by applying e,~ternal dynamic forces at half-synchronous, synckrono~ts, and twice synchronorrsfrequencies with respect to the operatitlg speed. Effect of e,vcitation nlcrgninrde ~l a s independently deternzirled by applying either three or forrr dtfferent an~plitudes of e.vcitatiort force to the hearing resulritrg in orbit sizes ranging tip to 30% of clearance. Applying static forces to the hearing housing controlled the Somniet$elrl nrm~her, and thus, the static operating position. Data
Presented as a Society of Tribologists and Lubrication EngineersPaper at the STLEIASME Tribology Conference in San Francisco, CA October 21-24,2001 Final manuscript approved June 12,2001 Review led by Gregory Kostrzewsky was reduced as linear dynaniic coefficients, and presented relative to excitation frequency and excitation niagtiilude over a range of Sonlnlerfeld numbers from 0.2 to 3.0 and operating eccentricities from 0.3 to 0.9. In general, neither excitation frequency nor e.rcitatioti magttitrtde was shown to have a nieasurahle efSEct over the ranges studied.