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SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Office of Naval Research 100 Alabama St., SW Suite4R15 Atlanta, GA 30303-3104
DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
ABSTRACTThe overall goal of this project is to design adaptive array processing algorithms that have good transient performance, are robust to mismatch, work with low sample support, and incorporate waveguide physics in a meaningful and robust way. To develop improved array processing algorithms for non-stationary environments, this project is investigating adaptive beamforming algorithms that can operate on a single-snapshot or a very limited number of snapshots. Spectral estimation methods, such as the multitaper spectral estimator developed by Thomson [Proc. IEEE, 1982] require only a single snapshot to produce an estimate. This project explores how to adapt the multitaper approach to the spatial spectral estimation problem.
SUBJECT TERMSSignal processing, Adaptive array processing, underwater acoustic propagation
LONG-TERM GOALSThe overall goal of this project is to design adaptive array processing algorithms that have good transient performance, are robust to mismatch, work with low sample support, and incorporate waveguide physics in a meaningful and robust way.