We present a numerical study of Anderson localization in disordered non-Hermitian lattice models with flat bands. Specifically we consider one-dimensional stub and two-dimensional kagome lattices that have a random scalar potential and a uniform imaginary vector potential and calculate the spectra of the complex energy, the participation ratio, and the winding number as a function of the strength of the imaginary vector potential, h. The flat-band states are found to show a double transition from localized to delocalized and back to localized states with h, in contrast to the dispersive-band states going through a single delocalization transition. When h is sufficiently small, all flat-band states are localized. As h increases above a certain critical value h1, some pair of flat-band states become delocalized. The participation ratio associated with them increases substantially and their winding numbers become nonzero. As h increases further, more and more flat-band states get delocalized until the fraction of the delocalized states reaches a maximum. For larger h values, a re-entrant localization takes place and, at another critical value h2, all flat-band states return to compact localized states with very small participation ratios and zero winding numbers. This re-entrant localization transition, which is due to the interplay among disorder, non-Hermiticity, and flat band, is a phenomenon occurring in many models having an imaginary vector potential and a flat band simultaneously. We explore the spatial characteristics of the flat-band states by calculating the local density distribution.