We use a simple mode-coupling approach to investigate glassy dynamics of partially pinned fluid systems. Our approach is different from the mode-coupling theory developed by Krakoviack [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 065703 (2005), Phys. Rev. E 84, 050501(R) (2011)]. In contrast to Krakoviack's theory, our approach predicts a random pinning glass transition scenario that is qualitatively the same as the scenario obtained using a mean-field analysis of the spherical p-spin model and a meanfield version of the random first-order transition theory. We use our approach to calculate quantities which are often considered to be indicators of growing dynamic correlations and static point-to-set correlations. We find that the so-called static overlap is dominated by the simple, low pinning fraction contribution. Thus, at least for randomly pinned fluid systems, only a careful quantitative analysis of simulation results can reveal genuine, many-body point-to-set correlations.PACS numbers: 64.70. P, 64.70.Q, 61.20.Lc, 05.20Jj Recently there have been several theoretical and simulational studies of glassy dynamics of fluid systems in which some particles, randomly selected out of an equilibrium configuration, have been frozen or pinned [1][2][3][4][5][6]8]. Originally these so-called partially pinned systems were considered to be just one special example of a broad class of model porous systems known as quenched-annealed binary mixtures [9][10][11]. However, it has now been realized that glassy partially pinned systems can be used to reveal still unresolved aspects of the glass transition.First, it was proposed that by analyzing systems in which some particles, taken out of an equilibrium configuration, have been frozen, one can study a growing "amorphous order" that is supposed to develop in glassy fluids [12]. In early studies this idea was implemented using the so-called cavity geometry: all particles except those within a spherical cavity were frozen and the local overlap of the original equilibrium configuration with configurations equilibrated in the presence of pinned particles was monitored [13]. It was argued that the dependence of this overlap on the cavity diameter reveals a length characterizing the so-called static point-to-set correlations, i.e. correlations between the density at the center of the cavity (point) and the positions of the frozen particles (set). It was shown [14] that, at least in simple models, these point-to-set correlations grow with increasing relaxation time. Subsequently, other geometries were introduced: one in which all particles except ones in a layer are frozen (the sandwich geometry), one in which all particles in a semi-infinite space are frozen (the wall geometry) [15] or one in which a randomly chosen subset of particles, distributed uniformly throughout the system is frozen. It has been argued [5] that the last geometry, i.e. the partially pinned system, is the best candidate to study growing static correlations.The second motivation for the recent interest in partially pinned systems ...