Local resonances formed by zero-group velocity (ZGV) and cutoff frequency points usually demonstrate sharp resonance peaks in frequency spectra, which can be utilized for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). The existence and application of those local resonances have been extensively reported in plate and pipe structures. However, local resonances in rails are rarely studied. The team recently reported that impulse dynamic tests can promote the local resonances in rails up to 40 kHz, and the results were verified using both semi-analytical finite element (SAFE) analysis and frequency-domain fully discretized finite element analysis. In this work, we present the discovery of ZGV modes and cutoff frequency resonances in free rails up to 80 kHz using piezoelectric elements. A miniature low-cost PZT patch works as a consistent excitation source compared with the impulse dynamic testing method. First, we implement the SAFE analysis to compute dispersion curves of a standard AREMA 115RE rail and to identify potential ZGV and cutoff frequency points up to 80 kHz. Then, to understand the existence and detectability of identified ZGV and cutoff points in a free rail, we install one PZT patch on the side of the rail head. A chirp signal covering 20 to 120 kHz is selected as the excitation to cover the desired frequency range. Finally, we perform a spatial sampling of wave propagation using three receivers along the wave propagation direction to calculate the dispersion relations experimentally via two-dimensional Fourier Transforms (2D-FFT). This study verifies the existence of ZGV modes in free rail up to 80 kHz and demonstrates the feasibility of using piezoelectric elements to generate local resonances.