We investigate linear, spin-field perturbations of Kerr black holes in the extremal limit throughout the complex-frequency domain. We calculate quasi-normal modes of extremal Kerr, as well as of near-extremal Kerr, via a novel approach: using the method of Mano, Suzuki and Takasugi (MST). We also show how, in the extremal limit, a branch cut is formed at the superradiant-bound frequency, ωSR, via a simultaneous accumulation of quasi-normal modes and totally-reflected modes. For real frequencies, we calculate the superradiant amplification factor, which yields the amount of rotational energy that can be extracted from a black hole. In the extremal limit, this factor is the largest and it displays a discontinuity at ωSR for some modes. Finally, we find no exponentially-growing modes nor branch points on the upper-frequency plane in extremal Kerr after a numerical investigation, thus providing evidence of the mode-stability of this space-time away from the horizon.PACS numbers: * Electronic address: mcasals@cbpf.br,marc.casals@ucd.ie † Electronic address: luisflm@cbpf.br Apart from the superradiant BC stemming from ω SR , which is present in extremal Kerr only, there is another BC stemming from the frequency at the origin (ω = 0), which exists both in sub-extremal and extremal Kerr. The contribution from the BC near the origin to the full field perturbation is a power-law decay at late-times, in sub-extremal Kerr [19] (see [20][21][22][23][24] for higher-order contributions which include logarithmic terms) as well as in extremal Kerr [16]. This power-law decay, originally observed by Price [25], typically kicks in after the QNM exponential decay.Both superradiance and BCs have important conse-1 We consider the behaviour in time t of a field mode of frequency ω to be e −iωt .arXiv:1901.04586v2 [gr-qc]