The Kepler survey has provided a wealth of astrophysical knowledge by continuously monitoring over 150,000 stars. The resulting database contains thousands of examples of known variability types and at least as many that cannot be classified yet. In order to reveal the knowledge hidden in the database, we introduce a new visualisation method that allows us to inspect regularly sampled time series in an explorative fashion. To that end, we propose dimensionality reduction on the parameters of a model capable of representing time series as fixed-length vector representation. We show that a more refined objective function can be chosen by minimising the reconstruction error, that is the deviation between prediction and observation, of the observed time series instead of reconstructing model parameters. The proposed visualisation exhibits a strong correlation between the variability behaviour of the light curves and their physical properties. As a consequence, temperature and surface gravity can, for some stars, be directly inferred from non-(or quasi-) periodic light curves.