The devastating earthquake on 28 July 2018 in Lombok and the COVID-19 pandemic have put high economic pressure on the community. It is not only the damage to economic infrastructure that stops business activities, but also very strict health protocols, especially social distancing and avoiding crowding that make business activities impossible. Trigona bee farm has been one of the productive activities to support the family economy for the people of North Lombok since decades ago. During the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been running for almost 10 months, the activities of Trigona beekeeping are still running; in fact, the demand has actually increased. This research aims to develop the best strategy to make business scale of Trigona honey and community income increase, using the SAST (Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing) method and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The results showed that the demand for trigona honey during the pandemic has actually increased, because this honey has a very complete nutritional content, which can be used to increase immunity against of COVID-19. There are three main problems that were faced by the trigona bee farmers to develop their business: Trigona seeds, cultivation technology, and business management. The best strategy to increase their business and income is cultivation system technology and providing added value.