The paper considers the aspects of hazard assessment within the framework of a generalized approach. The aim of the study is to improve the methodology for more accurate and detailed probabilistic assessments of risks of various nature. A complex hazard map is constructed in an example of the territory of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the construction site of the Mamison resort. Based on the analysis of data on Quaternary formations and quantitative estimates, it was concluded that the natural average static environmental evolution proceeds in the mode of the dynamic balance of two factors: mountain building and the equivalent increase in denudation, of which about 90% is transported and deposited by river waters and winds outside the territory. The remaining 10% is deposited in intermountain depressions and river valleys in situ. Geodynamic and climatic factors of influence on the geoenvironment create the danger of excessive environmental impact and disruption of its equilibrium development under anthropogenic impacts, which must be taken into account in designing.