Abstract-The demands for miniature sized circuits with higher operating speeds have increased the complexity of the circuit, while at high frequencies it is known that effects such as crosstalk, attenuation and delay can have adverse effects on signal integrity. To capture these high speed effects a very large number of system equations is normally required and hence model order reduction techniques are required to make the simulation of the circuits computationally feasible. This paper proposes a higher order Krylov subspace algorithm for model order reduction of time-delay systems based on a Laguerre expansion technique. The proposed technique consists of three sections i.e., first the delays are approximated using the recursive relation of Laguerre polynomials, then in the second part, the reduced order is estimated for the time-delay system using a delay truncation in the Laguerre domain and in the third part, a higher order Krylov technique using Laguerre expansion is computed for obtaining the reduced order time-delay system. The proposed technique is validated by means of real world numerical examples.