Sepakung tourist village is a village that has a pretty good tourism potential and is a sector thatspur the economy in Sub Banyubiru, excellence Sepakung the village is a tourist village that isstill very beautiful area that makes a very natural tourism potential of local tourist interest.Sepakung travel planning in the village can spur other sectors such as transport, food stalls orsouvenirs, and others so that the local governments will benefit in the areas associated withtourism. Sepakung tourist village located in the district Banyubiru, Semarang regency which hasan opportunity to improve the life of village communities Sepakung, with the development ofrural tourism is expected to make villagers sepakung to get a good progress of the economy,which notaben sepakung native village are farmers who have an average primary schooleducation. But this can happen if the development and management of tourist villages sepakungcan be done well. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Respondents in this studyincluded 302 respondents using as a reference parcel map data retrieval and two tours as a tourmanager in the capture of data collection techniques include, observations, interviews,questionnaires, study the documentation. Data were analyzed using, percentage and SWOTanalysis. The results showed that (1) Village tour sepakung did little to change people'slivelihood Sepakung village. The majority of people work as farmers and laborers (2) Revenuecommunity work in the village Sepakung average of less than one million rupiah (3)Development of a tourist village in Sepakung pretty good (4) The appeal in the village Sepakungto attract tourists is a tourist attraction (5) Measures for the development of tourist villages inSepakung quite. The contribution made by local authorities make people more enthusiastic todevelop the potential of the village.