Bank soundness level is the ability of a bank to carry out normal banking operations and be able to fulfill all its obligations properly in a manner that is in accordance with applicable banking regulations. Bank health classification is divided into five categories, namely: very healthy, healthy, fairly healthy, less healthy and unhealthy. In the framework of implementing the requirements for the soundness of sharia banks, the predicate of Soundness Level is adjusted to the provisions in Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 6/23/DPNP dated May31, 2004. This type of research refers to using quantitative descriptive analysis method. So that in this study financial ratios use the method of analysis and assessment of Capital Asset Earnings Liqiuidity (CAMEL), CAMEL analysis reports the relationship between accounts in financial statements that reflect financial performance and banking results on aspects of Capital, Asset Quality , Management, Revenue , and Liquidity. Measurements that can be made using the relevant financial ratios to describe these five aspects. Financial ratios reflect the bank's ability to carry out the bank's core business, namely in collecting, processing, and distributing funds, fulfilling obligations to other parties, and complying with applicable banking laws and regulations. The results of the analysis of the bank's health financial statements will also provide information about the company's weaknesses and strengths. With these weaknesses and strengths, after being carried out in the research it will be illustrated the level of soundness of the bank using the CAMEL analysis method, this banking company has a healthy predicate.